One Million free consultations to be provided by Altibbi in collaboration with Telecom Egypt (WE)

One Million free consultations to be  provided by Altibbi in collaboration with Telecom Egypt (WE)

Altibbi, MENA's first and largest Digital Health Care platform, has partnered with Telecom Egypt (WE) to launch the largest telehealth initiative to date.

The initiative will give Egyptians access to 1 Million consultations through Altibbi's Call-A-Doctor service.

Patients can consult with certified medical professionals within seconds, round-the-clock through the Altibbi app and website.

"We appreciate the support of Telecom Egypt and the cooperation of the Egyptian Ministries of Health and Communications for their belief in Altibbi’s vision of spreading primary care access to every home in the Arab world” said Jalil Al Labadi, Founder and CEO of Altibbi.

Why is this important?

The initiative aims to reach a wide pool of people, especially those who don’t have the means to afford in-person medical consultations. Patients can consult board certified and screened local doctors through different communication channels, including chat and phone calls.

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The initiative also goes in accordance with the Egyptian government’s vision of improving health care by providing safe and effective primary care that is easily accessible to all patients regardless of their socioeconomic background.

What’s the trend in Egypt?

Altibbi reaches users from more than 18 Middle Eastern countries and Egypt is one of the top traffic sources. The website receives almost 200 thousand sessions per day and 3.1 million monthly visitors, tripling the traffic since 2016. More and more Egyptians are embracing the benefits of telehealth; 95% would recommend Altibbi to family and friends and 74% say their consultation replaced doctor’s appointments.

What’s the global trend?

Telehealth services globally are expanding their footprints in the healthcare industry. In the US, 91% of telehealth outcomes were equal or better than in-person visits. The general adoption and satisfaction rate of telehealth services is increasing, mainly due to lower costs and less waiting times

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يتألف طاقم الطبي من مجموعة من مقدمي الرعاية الصحية المعتمدين، من أطباء، صيادلة وأخصائيي تغذية. يتم كتابة المحتوى الطبي في الموقع من قبل متخصصين ذوي كفاءات ومؤهلات طبية مناسبة تمكنهم من الإلمام بالمواضيع المطلوبة منهم، كل وفق اختصاصه. ويجري الإشراف على محتوى موقع الطبي من قبل فريق التحرير في الموقع الذي يتألف من مجموعة من الأطباء والصيادلة الذين يعتمدون مصادر طبية موثوقة في تدقيق المعلومات واعتمادها ونشرها. يشرف فريق من الصيادلة المؤهلين على كتابة وتحرير موسوعة الأدوية. يقوم على خدمات الاستشارات الطبية والإجابة عن أسئلة المرضى فريق من الأطباء الموثوقين والمتخصصين الحاصلين على شهادات مزاولة معتمدة، يشرف عليهم فريق مختص يعمل على تقييم الاستشارات والإجابات الطبية المقدمة للمستخدمين وضبط جودتها.

ذات صلة :
طب ما قبل التاريخ What it takes to be a doctor at Altibbi أفضل المنتجات للتعقيم من فيروس كورونا الجديد (كوفيد-19)

144 طبيب

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